Some Cool Places You Can Make Side-Trip When in Paris

Paris might have everything that tourists are looking for, from the romantic atmosphere of the city, Michellin star-studded restaurants, to the various shopping tourist spots that will make shopaholics shout "shut up and take my money!"

But if you still want other tourist variations when you are in Paris, the following some cool places can be a short break from the main tourist attractions, because they can be traveled within a short distance from Paris. 

1. Versailles

Versailles is always at the top of the place that can be visited as a side-trip from Paris. Versailles itself is the name of a city located in the Île-de-France region, and this city is only about 20 kilometers south-west of Paris, making it ideal as a place to do side-trips when wanting other tourist variations in Paris.

The main tourist attraction in Versailles of course lies in the existence of the Versailles Palace. This palace was originally built as a hunting lodge by Louis XIII in the 17th century. But over time, this hunting lodge continues to experience expansion and development, until finally it becomes the official residence of Louix XIV.

As the residence of the king, the Versailles Palace has a very large size, and is designed with priority to luxury that still feels amazing to this day. 

As one of the popular side-trip attractions from Paris, the Versailles Palace is always crowded with tourists. To avoid long queues when buying tickets to enter the palace, it is strongly recommended to buy tickets online and print them, so you don't need to queue anymore. In addition, it is strongly recommended to go in early morning as possible, so that you can more freely enjoy the atmosphere at the Versailles Palace without having to jostle with other tourist groups. 

It's a good idea to allocate the whole day to explore this vast palace, so that you are has more time when exploring the inside of the palace to take a walk to every corner of the park. Additionally, if you visit between March and October, you might be able to watch the Musical Fountain Show at Versailles.  

2. Fontainebleau

If you feel that the Versailles Palace is too mainstream to visit, consider changing your destination to Fontainebleau. This place is a sub-prefecture in the Seine-et-Marne department, and the distance is only about 55.5 kilometers from Paris or approximately 45 minutes by train. Ideal enough to be a side-trip destination from Paris, right?

The main tourist attraction of Fontainbleau lies in the Palace of Fontainebleau, or Château de Fontainebleau, or Fontainebleau Palace, a medieval castle (12th century) that was once used as the residence of the rulers of France, from Louis VII to Napoleon III. Therefore, this palace was designed with grandeur and luxury that will be able to make you fascinated until now, especially since this palace is now functioned as a national museum and has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  

The most interesting part of Fontainbleau is probably the crowd. Fontainebleau Palace has a grandeur that is not inferior to the Versailles Palace, but with a level of density that is much lower than that of Marie Antoinette's favorite palace. 

Even if you are lucky to come at the right time, you can enjoy Fontainbleau in a very quiet atmosphere due to the lack of visitors, so you can be more free to explore and enjoy every corner of this palace, including the park which is maintained neatly and beautifully. You can also ride a horse carriage around the palace area, or take an air balloon to enjoy the view around the palace from above. 

Once satisfied exploring the castle, you can set foot to fill the stomach, because around this palace there are several places to eat that are quite fun and are still within walking distance of pedestrians. Or, you can explore the forest in the surrounding area. You can get a map of the forest trail in the local Tourism Office 

3. Sceaux

Sceaux is the name of an area in the Paris suburban area, only 9.7 kilometers from the Fashion Capital (Paris). If you travel by car, you only need about 30 minutes (if traffic conditions are good) to reach Sceaux, so this place is very easy to visit in between main tourist times in Paris.

Like Versailles and Fontainbleau, the main attraction of Sceaux lies in its castle, the Château de Sceaux. The difference, Château de Sceaux is not usead as a royal palace like the Palace of Versailles and the Palace of Fontainbleau. 

This Château de Sceaux is a country house that was once built for Jean-Baptiste Antione Colbert or Marquis de Seignelay, Louis XIV's finance minister, which was designed with Louis XIII style. 

Although the Château de Sceaux was not used as royal residence, this building was once owned by aristocrats and high-ranking officials of that era. So don't be surprised that the architecture of this building, including the interior and surrounding landscape, is designed with amazing detail.

Unfortunately, this palace building was destroyed and only a part of the building remained. But then the palace and its garden were successfully restored. At this time the Château de Sceaux was opened to the public, and now it has been equipped with a museum called the Musée de l'Ile-de-France which holds various paintings by the School of Paris.

Ok, that's enough for now, for the other place i will post it later.

