5 Romantic Places in Paris to Say I Love You

Have a plan to spend the honeymoon moment with your partner in the City of Love, Paris? Or maybe you just want to taste a bit of the atmosphere "love is in the air" in one of the most romantic cities in the world? If so, then you really must visit some of romantic spots in Paris.

Paris does have a number of spots that are considered to have a strong romantic nuance, which attracts couples to come and visit there. Some are just curious, or deliberately looking for the best place to say "I love you" and "will you marry me?", Until couples who really want to carve out romantic moments that will continue to be remembered until the hair turns white later.

Some of these romantic spots are already too popular to be mentioned in various travel guides. But believe me, it turns out Paris also has a number of places that are not too popular, but have a romantic feel that is not less charming. Where are the various romantic spots in Paris? Check out the following recommendations: 

1. Eifel Tower

Okay, Eiffel Tower might sound so cliché, classic, or mainstream for those who seek romance in Paris. But who can resist the charm of the Eiffel Tower? Moreover, with the position of Eiffel Tower as a popular symbol of the Paris city, it's not complete if you haven't visited the tower at least once in a lifetime. 

One popular spot to express love while in the Eiffel Tower is to go up to the top. From a height of 300 meters, you can not only enjoy the view to the whole city of Paris, but also drift in the romantic atmosphere of the night in the city which is also nicknamed the City of Light. It's just that, because this spot is very popular, don't be surprised if you might have to wait tens of minutes before you can reach the top.

2. Trocadéro

Lazy to queue to enter the Eiffel Tower? Relax, there are still many other ways you can do to enjoy the beauty of the Eifel tower. One way is to go to Trocadéro which the position is in the opposite of the Eiffel Tower, and separated by the Seine River.

To enter the Place du Trocadéro which will certainly be crowded by visitors. Instead, go to the plaza area which is the closest position to the Eiffel Tower. From there, you can freely enjoy the view towards Eiffel. The atmosphere will feel more romantic when night falls and the Eiffel Tower begins to be decorated by special illuminations.

3. Temple of Love in Parc des Buttes-Chaumont

Parc des Buttes-Chaumont is the name of a public park in Paris. The location is located in the 19th arrondissement, and this park has become one of the largest parks in Paris.

But it is not the size that makes the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont popular for lovers looking for romantic Parisian style. The park has a temple called Temple de la Sibylle, which is a miniature version of the ancient temple of the Temple of Vesta in Tivoli in Italy.

Since the Temple of Vesta is often painted in a variety of romantic paintings, automatically the Temple de la Sibylle is also synonymous with romanticism, and eventually also known as the Temple of Love. It was predictable that this temple would surely be glimpsed by couples.

4. Montmartre

One of the many romantic spots in Paris, Montmartre consistently continues to be included in the list of recommendations. Montmartre is a 130m high hill as well as the name of a district located in the 18th arrondissement.  

The historic district has a pretty well-maintained atmosphere, with alleys and small streets flanked by various cafes and shops, making the atmosphere in the district quite romantic for lovers.

Do not forget also the existence of the Sacré Coeur Basilica, which is popularly visited by lovers because it displays a spectacular view towards Paris. Additionally, Montmartre also often appears in various popular films, one of which is Beauty and the Beast (2017).  

5. Seine River

One of the most popular rivers in Europe is indeed synonymous with romanticism. Lots of romantic activities that can be done around the Seine River which divides the city of Paris. 

Starting from just strolling along the river while holding hands and enjoying the views of Paris, a romantic cruise down the river, dancing tango with a partner in the mini amphitheater located on the 5th arrondissement, adventuring across various bridges, and more. 
